1. Contexts of stasis
In the works of Fellini, a predominant concept is the concept of neoconceptual truth. Debord promotes the use of pretextual Marxism to deconstruct the status quo. But cultural libertarianism suggests that class, surprisingly, has objective value.
“Narrativity is intrinsically responsible for sexism,” says Lacan; however, according to la Tournier[1] , it is not so much narrativity that is intrinsically responsible for sexism, but rather the rubicon, and some would say the meaninglessness, of narrativity. In Virtual Light, Gibson affirms realism; in Idoru he deconstructs submodernist discourse. Thus, if realism holds, we have to choose between pretextual Marxism and cultural Marxism.
If one examines submodernist discourse, one is faced with a choice: either accept postpatriarchialist narrative or conclude that reality comes from the collective unconscious. Werther[2] implies that the works of Gibson are postmodern. In a sense, Marx suggests the use of pretextual Marxism to analyse and read sexual identity.
In the works of Gibson, a predominant concept is the distinction between within and without. The characteristic theme of McElwaine’s[3] model of realism is the role of the writer as reader. However, Derrida uses the term ‘dialectic construction’ to denote the common ground between reality and society.
The primary theme of the works of Stone is not narrative, as realism suggests, but neonarrative. The subject is contextualised into a pretextual Marxism that includes culture as a whole. But if realism holds, we have to choose between Debordist image and subcultural capitalist theory.
In the works of Stone, a predominant concept is the concept of pretextual reality. Baudrillard’s essay on realism states that the significance of the participant is significant form, given that the premise of dialectic socialism is invalid. It could be said that the main theme of Bailey’s[4] analysis of pretextual Marxism is the difference between sexual identity and narrativity.
“Class is elitist,” says Lacan; however, according to Cameron[5] , it is not so much class that is elitist, but rather the collapse, and therefore the paradigm, of class. The subject is interpolated into a posttextual Marxism that includes language as a paradox. Therefore, Sontag uses the term ‘realism’ to denote the role of the observer as writer.
The subject is contextualised into a submodernist discourse that includes consciousness as a totality. It could be said that Brophy[6] suggests that we have to choose between realism and the capitalist paradigm of narrative.
In The Last Words of Dutch Schultz, Burroughs affirms neodialectic narrative; in Naked Lunch, although, he reiterates submodernist discourse. In a sense, the subject is interpolated into a deconstructive paradigm of reality that includes language as a reality.
Realism states that culture serves to marginalize minorities. Therefore, the characteristic theme of the works of Burroughs is the common ground between sexual identity and class.
If submodernist discourse holds, we have to choose between presemioticist libertarianism and textual dematerialism. However, Debord promotes the use of submodernist discourse to attack class divisions.
The primary theme of Wilson’s[7] essay on the neocapitalist paradigm of discourse is a self-fulfilling whole. Thus, Marx uses the term ‘realism’ to denote the futility, and eventually the failure, of dialectic truth.
The destruction/creation distinction intrinsic to Burroughs’s Junky is also evident in The Last Words of Dutch Schultz, although in a more mythopoetical sense. It could be said that Bataille uses the term ’submodernist discourse’ to denote not narrative, but postnarrative.
The premise of realism suggests that government is part of the stasis of consciousness. But Dahmus[8] implies that we have to choose between pretextual Marxism and dialectic constructivism.
Derrida suggests the use of realism to challenge class. However, the main theme of the works of Burroughs is the role of the reader as observer.
Lacan uses the term ’submodernist discourse’ to denote the difference between sexual identity and society. It could be said that Derridaist reading states that the goal of the writer is social comment.
2. Burroughs and pretextual Marxism
“Sexual identity is unattainable,” says Debord. If postdeconstructivist narrative holds, the works of Burroughs are not postmodern. In a sense, an abundance of deappropriations concerning the role of the poet as observer exist.
The characteristic theme of la Fournier’s[9] analysis of submodernist discourse is the bridge between art and class. The subject is contextualised into a pretextual Marxism that includes language as a totality. But Long[10] implies that we have to choose between subcultural narrative and Sontagist camp.
If one examines pretextual Marxism, one is faced with a choice: either reject submodernist discourse or conclude that society has significance, given that reality is interchangeable with consciousness. Several materialisms concerning pretextual Marxism may be found. Therefore, if capitalist postcultural theory holds, we have to choose between pretextual Marxism and dialectic capitalism.
In the works of Burroughs, a predominant concept is the distinction between within and without. The primary theme of the works of Burroughs is the role of the writer as reader. It could be said that Marx’s critique of realism states that sexuality may be used to reinforce sexism.
If one examines submodernist discourse, one is faced with a choice: either accept realism or conclude that sexual identity, somewhat paradoxically, has objective value. The example of predeconstructive desublimation prevalent in Burroughs’s The Ticket that Exploded emerges again in Port of Saints. Therefore, a number of situationisms concerning not narrative, but postnarrative exist.
D’Erlette[11] suggests that the works of Burroughs are modernistic. It could be said that Sartre uses the term ‘realism’ to denote the rubicon, and hence the genre, of cultural narrativity.
The subject is interpolated into a submodernist discourse that includes culture as a whole. Thus, Derrida uses the term ‘realism’ to denote the difference between society and class.
In Queer, Burroughs examines submodernist discourse; in Port of Saints, however, he deconstructs pretextual Marxism. Therefore, the subject is contextualised into a Baudrillardist simulacra that includes reality as a reality.
The premise of pretextual Marxism states that the purpose of the observer is significant form. Thus, the subject is interpolated into a submodernist discourse that includes culture as a whole.
Realism holds that reality is created by the masses, but only if Derrida’s model of postmodern capitalism is valid; otherwise, Bataille’s model of submodernist discourse is one of “Lyotardist narrative”, and thus fundamentally dead. But the subject is contextualised into a realism that includes reality as a paradox.
Foucault promotes the use of cultural socialism to attack capitalism. Thus, if pretextual Marxism holds, we have to choose between Sontagist camp and preconstructivist dematerialism.
3. Narratives of fatal flaw
“Sexual identity is used in the service of class divisions,” says Foucault. Many situationisms concerning pretextual Marxism may be discovered. It could be said that the subject is interpolated into a submodernist discourse that includes culture as a totality.
The main theme of Buxton’s[12] critique of realism is a self-justifying whole. The paradigm, and eventually the futility, of the textual paradigm of context which is a central theme of Spelling’s Melrose Place is also evident in Robin’s Hoods, although in a more mythopoetical sense. Therefore, several theories concerning the role of the writer as observer exist.
“Class is part of the rubicon of consciousness,” says Lyotard. Submodernist discourse states that culture is intrinsically responsible for sexism. It could be said that Bataille suggests the use of neomaterialist narrative to modify and read reality.
Foucault uses the term ‘pretextual Marxism’ to denote a deconstructive totality. Therefore, the subject is contextualised into a Sontagist camp that includes art as a reality.
Brophy[13] suggests that we have to choose between realism and the precapitalist paradigm of reality. Thus, the subject is interpolated into a structural neomodernist theory that includes reality as a whole.
The primary theme of the works of Spelling is not, in fact, discourse, but prediscourse. But Lacan uses the term ‘pretextual Marxism’ to denote a self-fulfilling totality.
If dialectic desublimation holds, we have to choose between realism and neoconceptualist socialism. It could be said that the premise of pretextual Marxism holds that the State is capable of significance.
4. Spelling and submodernist discourse
“Sexual identity is part of the paradigm of truth,” says Debord; however, according to Prinn[14] , it is not so much sexual identity that is part of the paradigm of truth, but rather the dialectic of sexual identity. The subject is contextualised into a realism that includes sexuality as a paradox. In a sense, many materialisms concerning submodernist discourse may be found.
Baudrillard’s analysis of realism states that art is impossible. But Reicher[15] suggests that the works of Spelling are postmodern.
Sontag promotes the use of pretextual Marxism to challenge the status quo. It could be said that the main theme of Porter’s[16] essay on realism is the defining characteristic, and therefore the meaninglessness, of predeconstructivist society.
The subject is interpolated into a submodernist discourse that includes truth as a whole. In a sense, the primary theme of the works of Madonna is the role of the reader as writer.
1. la Tournier, Q. P. F. ed. (1998) Realism in the works of Gibson. Harvard University Press
2. Werther, A. E. (1971) The Forgotten Key: Pretextual Marxism and realism. University of Illinois Press
3. McElwaine, P. B. S. ed. (1984) Realism in the works of Stone. And/Or Press
4. Bailey, R. C. (1973) Deconstructing Expressionism: Realism and pretextual Marxism. University of North Carolina Press
5. Cameron, S. ed. (1991) Pretextual Marxism and realism. O’Reilly & Associates
6. Brophy, L. M. (1983) The Iron Fruit: Realism in the works of Burroughs. And/Or Press
7. Wilson, R. ed. (1974) Realism in the works of Gibson. Loompanics
8. Dahmus, F. N. (1991) The Expression of Dialectic: Nihilism, realism and premodern desituationism. Panic Button Books
9. la Fournier, D. ed. (1988) Realism and pretextual Marxism. Oxford University Press
10. Long, G. A. O. (1976) Deconstructing Debord: Realism in the works of Mapplethorpe. University of Michigan Press
11. d’Erlette, Z. B. ed. (1980) Pretextual Marxism and realism. Schlangekraft
12. Buxton, V. (1975) The Circular Door: Realism in the works of Spelling. Loompanics
13. Brophy, S. D. ed. (1989) Realism and pretextual Marxism. University of North Carolina Press
14. Prinn, E. (1992) Reassessing Socialist realism: Pretextual Marxism and realism. Cambridge University Press
15. Reicher, J. R. M. ed. (1987) Realism and pretextual Marxism. And/Or Press
16. Porter, S. (1992) The Vermillion Key: Realism in the works of Madonna. University of Michigan Press
nb: this is a hoax if you think i wrote this you must be freaking kidding me lol. this essay has been randomnly generated by the postmoderngenerator . All the sentences are grammatically correct and all the references are true. but its all crap and bullshit, it dsnt make any sense.
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Paradigm of Art: Realism and pretextual Marxism
from the factories of
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A Day for rants.....
Got up from the wrong side of the bed? I don't think so.... Just a fact that few days are more fucked up than the others and the worst part is that YOU did not have anything to do with it. A few hours into the day and it already sucks and i have worked up a mad rage and am totally taking it out on my hapless keyboard.
I get up earlier than usual, get ready, do every freaking thing that am supposed to do and then the first signs of trouble my face is oily. First thing first I freaking don't care how I fucking look but, hello, no ones likes feeling like a freaking frying pan. No thanks to the freak weather in Pune that has everything to do with this... its suppose to rain but its freaking hot and humid. Of all days today was the day my skin choose to be what it was ten years ago... am not a teenager any more please spare me this shit, i thought i was done with my skin being oily and pimply. I have washed my face 5 times in the last 4 hours, 3 times with soap and two times with facewash. I was so annoyed i even eyed the the damn detergent soap maybe that will help... i just freaking didnt care... i just wanted my face to go back to normal. Here is a thought the fucking oil crisis in the world will be solved if they drill the pores on my face.
The day had to go on so i step out with extremely vulnerable skin that was enticing all the pollution in the city to come and take a hike on my face. What the fuck call it the natural bronzer effect all thanks to the pollution, dirt and dust in pune. I go to the bus stop and there is no freaking bus, hello, do the fuckers realise that people depend on their buses for transportation and to get to school/work/ college on time? I wait for over an hour and still no bus. In the meanwhile notice the assholes around me both men and women whose sole timepass at the bus stop is sprinkling red fountains of pan and mucous and other disgusting stuff on to the road or on the person standing next to them, who cares its a fucking free country afterall, you can urinate, spit anywhere, on anyone and on anyhow you fucking please. Freedom is a good thing they say and am also free to go punch / slap any of those retards... i had half a mind to do that as someones spit fountain missed me by inches.
And then there was a bus, too bad it was not my bus, I had to make way for the mob that would trample anything in their sight, just to get a place on the fucking pile of nuts and bolts that could break down any minute. All the men got ahead and then there was this one lady who got in with men and some bastard pushed her off the moving bus, a few people did go ahead to help her but the pan spitting athletes most of them women who were standing there began to laugh. Wow! Such a delight for them to see a nicely dressed lady fall! I looked at them and swore, thankfully in english.
The next highlight of my day was when my bus did arrive after about an hour and it did not stop and went to the extreme end of the bus stop. There was no place to get in when i got to the bus and the conductor is like why dont you take the next bus. So I march back to the bustop and ask the guy what time the next bus is at and he is like 11.10 or something, great just great , i will reach just in time for the lunch break at college. I completely loose it and let out a string of swear words in hindi, but since I`ve grown up in the south, my swear words amuse more than they offend. So i give that up and switch back to my language of choice and swear in english. I fucking dont care if the morons did'nt get a word coming out of my mouth. Thank you so much PMT/PCMT for fucking up my day and ensuring that punctuality is no longer a virtue in this town. Thanks to all the morons who have made my blood boil, please hope and pray that you dont cross paths with me today!
from the factories of
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Back to the university!
Well my plans to post something about the first year of the university are indefinately put on hold. The post in question has run into too many pages and is too personal. I tried editing it but i cant bear to leave anything out. One thing is for sure, the life's of my friends and me are any day more interesting than everyday soaps. This is real life being more eventfull than reel life. At the moment, I will start writing about RIGHT NOW and the past will be visited when necessary through flashbacks. Also henceforth, I will blog any stray thought that wanders through my head, if I think that is...
So here are a few bits from the last few days.....
1st day of class for the m.a (part2)
anonymous student: sir all options look interesting cant make up my mind. how many extra credits can we take?
most of the class: ROFL
hilarious tip: toothpaste and fairness creams make hickeys / love bites disappear......
me : ROFL
a few days later.....
NRI : oooooooooo! whats that on your neck?
me : what you guys looking at?
NRI: look at X's neck.....
me: oooooooooo!
X: thats just an allergic reaction..........
me: to what?
X: hmmmm....... well..... hmmm ...... ant bite.......
NRI: must have been a real big ant.... damn they have big ants in india we should all watch out...
X: well..... ummmm.... no actually it was an allergic reaction to lux honey soap.....
me: but why only on your neck?
NRI : maybe the ant bit X where he applied lux honey soap and that caused an allergic reaction
me : or maybe the ant bit you on your neck and there was an allergic reaction when you used the soap
NRI: yea X was is that? :P
me : hey NRI dsnt that bite look more like an homo- sapien one...... lol
X: hmmmm.......
me: you ran out of toothpaste? :P
all of us : ROFL (through out the conversation.... well more of a leg pulling session)
( incidentally the hickey removal tip was Xs..... n NRI is not actually an NRI... thats just our little joke.... see guys i didn't reveal yours names.... so am not that much of a bitch!)
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Lately I have been reading many blogs and encouraging/ forcing people to start blogs. I also dont spare people who have blogs, have been pestering them to post, so I have some reading material. The recent converts include tanvi , my sisters friend, so do encourage her and pester her to post more often. Also joining the blogging bandwagon is Nedine, she just about statred a few days back and she already has more posts than me. She is talented do check out her blog!
To see my friends and family caught doing stupid/ embarrassing things, see my new photo blog .
from the factories of
Monday, July 16, 2007
tags friends, funny, university