Some days just seem different and today was one of them. I got up with a stupid smile on my face. I felt weirdly optimistic of the day ahead. None of the issues that tormented me had been solved, still i felt lighter. The demons of pessimism were banished and i was rearing to go, unleash myself on the world.
I`ll admit it am happy after a long time and feel i can take on any one today. I was also eager to attend my lectures today!( which is strange because i usually am least bit interested!). So for a change i reached the university half an hour before my class. I walked or waltzed around, under a faded blue sky. Rays of sunshine danced with me as they fell through the bare trees. My best friend my I-pod also accompanied me, singing to me and pepping me up! A perfect time to bid adieu to the blues forever (if i can help it).
Class was really interesting and i was all ears, we started off with the distinction between the author and narrator of a work and moved on to talk about why literature is created or how it is conceived. Then we moved on to the basic question as to why people write, personal diaries were cited as examples.We also discussed if writing or any other art is inherent or a skill that has to be acquired, this got my attention for it was nice to hear every ones opinion. The class rolled on for two hours but i didn`t want to leave. It was nice to see a class come alive amidst the debate and hats off to meera for forcing us wrack our brains and think about the things that we take for granted.
After class we all headed to the o.c. There we became the unlikely specimens for a psychology dissertation. We were handed out questionnaires and asked to fill them. They were questions about how we perceive ourselves etc. I don't take any thing seriously so i breezed through all the questions. But it made other people think too much and supi faced her own existential crisis! lol!
So to round off the day, it was a rare occasion when the blue Danube flowed through the university. and yes before i forget the roads of the university witnessed an apparition today! a two headed monster, who was bawling songs of bob marley and gurgling out bohemian rhapsody.
It doesn`t make sense, just let be...........
hello sunshine, goodbye ______
P.S A special thank you to all my friends who bear me, who have talked to me when i was down, have been there for me and are of more help than they realise......... i know this is going to sound cliched but to hell with that am happy today.......... you guys rock!
cheers and love,
(I`M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A NEW DAY .......... A NEW START!
from the factories of
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
tags happy, university
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u know wat - all of this sounds gr8! happy for u. mwah
hats, kerchiefs and all of that off to Meera. does she rock or wot! will kill someone if she's not there for part II
was Masoud rite abt writing being related to the heart n the soul etc..? this piece is indeed a damn good one :) (spontaneous overflow etc etc :P)
yup we will form our own mob and plunder the department! if meera is not there 4 part 2....... yup she rocks! i`m so impressed don`t no wat i`ll tk off nxt! lol!
writing related to heart and soul??? dont know nethin bout dat personally........ but one things 4 sure, ur brains do get fried.... n come on heart n soul dats so cliched the heart pumps blood dats all and soul again? believe me writing is not a form of divinity.... it wud b so convinient if some tk over n put ideas in r head,
its the mind, the brain its all in there n dats wats behind evre thin v do!
hehe - the hint was at ur happy mood ofcourse. ever since the presiding deity at the Eng dept pointed out in semester I that writing is a craft, all heart n soul has gone flying out of the window in my conception of literature
point taken! but i don`t write coz am happy or sad, emotions may b the fodder 4 writin but not the cause........
i write coz its high time i start updatin my blog and generally i write 4 me n no one else, i derive a wierd kind satisfaction 4m writing n ya its my last hope at being productive!
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. This is true for all days. Except the day you die."
- [ Kevin Spacey in American Beauty]
nice hittin up on your blog..have a nice time writin it up.
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