Big brother can keep looking for am off the map. GOOD RIDDANCE.
Sartre said that one experiences freedom the most when one says NO.
The power of saying No is heady and the consequences will follow, but I have no regrets- life goes on. Its high time I got a real life . So adieu to orkut, facebook etc. i won't miss you.
A big thanks to Vijay Mallya and Mallya aditi school for making me non- google- able.
Quote for the day : social networking is not for anti- social people. :D
Goodbye laziness, I hope I overcome you and study/blog more often.
So here's to change! a brand new name, a brand new start.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
from the factories of
Thursday, March 20, 2008
tags goodbye, randomness
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And it's not even New Year! ;)
I know you've already got off orkut.
So, ALL THE BEST for the rest!
it was not a resolution... more of a things to do list! :)
and believe me getting off orkut was the easiest! :)
thanks for your wishes, i know i need them!
Saying 'No' is really terrific and breathtakingly(?) refreshing.
So is saying 'What the heck,what difference does it make if I give in to laziness?'.
Let me know when you decide to 'Bonjour' orkut and facebook again.:D
hey I`ve been off them(orkut and facebook) for ages... and i wont go back till i have a life to brag about! :P
You can't afford to give into laziness when you're forced to grow up! :(
You need to get a job and act responsible or else lets not even go there!
life sucks! :(
Life sucks?
People take their whole life to comprehend that.
And you've done it at 22(Or so your profile says.).
You rock.
yep am 22!
well life sucks that not my idea, am not smart enough to come up with something as profound as that... i stole it from Mr.Nietzsche, Mr.Heidegger, Mr.Kierkegaard and Mr. Sartre. :P
see this is what studying can do- you learn to spell all these difficult names! :P
'Life sucks!'- That's ALL you can compress the beliefs and aphorisms of the above-mentioned authors into?
And I'm surprised Camus did'nt make the cut.
His perception of the Absurd is more enlightening on the 'suckiness of life' than Sartre and Nietzsche.
Ok,now I'll stop using your 'Perceptions' as a mini orkut scrapbook.
oops!how can I forget Camus? :O maybe because hes not included in my course and hence i dont know how to spell his name! :P
Yep, its a sad tragedy that I've reduced all their collective philosophies to "life sucks".
This is the product of a yuppie/airhead taking up an existentialism paper for she thought it sounded "cool". :P
ok! am being sarcastic! if you haven't already deduced that by now!
feel free to use the Cbox as an orkut scrapbook! :P
Ok,Firstly I dont know what ':P'
stands for.
It's one of those yellow yahoo shitheads,that I know.
All I've figured out is what ':D' stands for. :D
And Sarcasm? Gee,I did'nt get that.
And the Cbox.Ah,yes,That.
*Slaps head for having been able to figure it out himself*
*Realizes Aditi is 22yr old who's figured out what life is about and feels a whole lot better.*
yes that is sarcasm! I told you am stupid! :(
ah me finally here ... 'elos, but a big ha ha to the resolution made abt 2 months ago.
can you prove that i've failed? :P
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