Suprising, shocking- Talibanisation of Mangalore – the media screamed from all rooftops. For someone who gets to know about the “news” as it breaks, this one got to me a little late but as most Mangaloreans I was outraged by the whole incident.
Just recently I was bragging about how Mangalore was slowly changing from when I was there and how Mangalore had the best hangouts etc. I spoke too soon!
But is this really a shocker to you all? We have a history of putting up with things, we let it grow to this.. We are to blame and some of us even sympathise with them; we did not say anything when they started to tell us what to wear in colleges and who it was appropriate to talk to, in the name of modesty and tradition they were forcing their Taliban regime on young minds. I was asked to let it go by friends and family. I felt betrayed then when I felt that no one cared enough they told me just do what they tell you to do, you go to college to study and not for a fashion show- I was just 16 then and it changed something in me. I felt smothered and I chose to run away, I was 16 I did not have what it took to fight the system. I knew such an atmosphere would not let me grow.
It has gone on for years and no one has cared to raise their voice against it. Many of you were sympathetic towards their cause and believed that the majority needed to be represented/ protected. There were kinds of theories in the air about how Muslim boys seduced young Hindu girls and eloped with them- so we were told don’t go to Saibeen, stay away from Muslims etc. we always sympathized with them! The so called protectors of culture and tradition!
Get my facts right you’ll say- well sure the Sri Ram Sene is a break away faction of the Bajrang Dal. But this is how it started we let them thrive and spread like a disease through our city. Shame on you Mangalore for not doing anything earlier!
Politicians at play
The BJP and the Congress are pointing fingers at each other and trying to gain political mileage from the incident. At this time what they need to do is stop grabbing the lime light from the actual cause! We want our Mangalore back! Arrest the culprits and make sure that something like this never happens again – the BJP and the Bajrang dal were quick to distance themselves from the whole issue. It’s a given that they are not from your party but they think on similar lines – just that intensity and the methods differ. You really need to re-think your hindutva and your take on tradition and culture. You seem to be upholding the very foreign values that you seem to want to protect your culture against this whole issue of a woman’s modesty and being fully covered up comes from what the mughals brought along. The purdah system if you may! It also has a very corseted Victorian tinge to it… our times and what you want to make of it, is similar and these are one of the things that the British left behind and you called it as your own. So is this really Indian culture that you are upholding?
And the congress do something more constructive than wondering how to gain political mileage out of this one- you have been in power too when all this was happening what did you do about it? Zilch! Do something better than bad mouthing the BJP, you have done squat in the many years that you have fucked our country royally. You dividing people on class lines are what’s lead to the other forces gaining power and exploiting the people who felt threatened by your vote bank politics.
No one gets to walk away from this – we demand action; squash these pseudo-culture protecting vermin once and for all.
The Media circus
This incident was ignored by the print media and was ushered into the spotlight only after the sensation hungry broadcast media saw some potential in it for higher TRPs. What ever the reasons behind it I am glad it got picked and I am glad people are angry.
But am compelled to question the footage of attack that I saw- how were the people who caught it on film aware of such an act transpiring? Were they informed about it? If so why did they not go to the Police first? What lengths can the media go for an exclusive? To all the people who say bravo to the people who caught it on film please consider this.
Us and them
All of us have condemned the violence against women. These kind of men who expect women to be “traditional” just want them to be dolls gift wrapped in saris, ones who are barefoot and pregnant and confined to the kitchen someone please sponsor a time machine for these men! The once who think beating up women is a tradition or a part of our culture – no time line would accept such vermin.
It could have been any of us, we could have been those girls!
The aftermath of these attacks will be that no girls will be allowed to frequent the pubs and discs in Mangalore. We will be scared and be forced into our shells, fearing another attack from the Sri Ram Sene. My advice to all women is – Please go to pubs and go on as business as usual; we can’t let them win. By being scared we will do exactly what they wanted – pubs will be male only and the women will be expected to sit pretty at home.
And if they do attack the pub that you are in let them have it – I know there is anger within all of you – use it right, use it in self defence. Break a glass bottle on their heads, pick up a chair and smash it into their spines! That is exactly what I will do if I come across them! Impractical as it may sound this is what I will do! I will not let this ruffians scare me! We will show them exactly how “traditional” we can get when they push us to such limits.
So are you again going to sit at home and say that this doesn’t really concern me? Or that staying out of trouble is the best option? Or that such issues and politics and the likes are for jerks? Then you probably deserve to put up with it – then don’t complain when these ruffians wreck havoc and hold your city to ransom.
It could have been any of us in that pub that day, we could have been those girls!
Its our Mangalore – lets get it back and lets show these vermin that they have no place in a town like ours!
(copy will be edited tomorrow and will be made more coherent)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sri Rama Sen(e)ile vs. Mangalore
from the factories of
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
tags mangalore, mangalore pub attack, moral police, politics
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Good job! And yes, someone please beat these bastards up!
Oh and where were the saviour men in all of this? Holding on to their precious nuts and waiting for someone else to come rescue them? We used to be a participating people, now we just sit back and watch like cowards.
Wonderful Blog, I think the problem is a little more historical. I will probably write about it soon. However, I still think Mangalore is a great place. :-)
Kepp it up.
No single female involved in the incident has dared to tell her parents and lodge a complaint against the hooligans.Doesn't that prove that what they were doing was wrong?
Since you think you're right Mr. Anonymous, why not leave your name eh? For the saame reason those girls' parents didnt lodge complaints. Not because they they didnt care, but they're worried about being identified for further violence by these pricks..
Yes Sure it is, how very smart of you to point that out, you call them hooligans and still justify their actions? Are we feeling a little confused today?
they will complain
and then what? those buggers will come after them and kill them or worse... see we are all girls from good families - we should keep our heads low and not speak up, thats how it has always been now hasn't it?
A girl told me about how unsafe she felt in Mangalore, is this our culture and tradition?
People don't complain because India is a place where nothing gets done, unless its beating, torturing and cheating innocent people. As for complaining to their parents, what the fuck will that achieve? You sound like an ignoramus that fell off the wrong end of the evolution tree.
As for their silence being a testament to their guilt, I honestly hope that you get raped, and then perhaps you will know that silence isn't always indicative of guilt. But in your case, it will certainly be the exception to the rule.
daydreamer,i never justified their actions.when did i?just point out one sentence that shows that i did.i just told that what the girls were doing was also wrong.both were at fault.and decent girls need not feel insecure at all in is only the slutty ones who have to fear.if i get raped,i wont be silent 'depressed' doormat.
Being in a bar is indecent and slutty? How come the same rule does not apply to men? Your definition of decent belongs in the 19th century and you are who this post is targeted at. You are the archetype of indian chauvinism and therefore, the very person the DDO wants to beat up with chairs. If you haven't understood that, you are just as deluded as you are archaic.
As for you getting raped and not remaining silent, you are dumber than I thought. Obviously satire and insult humor are lost on you.
P.S. In reply to your question to "daydreamer", by saying what the girls did was wrong, you justify the actions of the psychopaths (hooligans is insufficient in degree).
"The psychopath is defined by a psychological gratification in criminal, sexual, or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes. Individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior and lack remorse for their actions."
I am sorry if that makes you feel guilty 'depressed d' but you cant go to bar and at the same time expect to be branded 'decent'.I am not chauvinistic and am against pub culture entirely,and it applies to both men and women.But i guess its too late to stop men from going to bars and an effort has to be made to stop the women at least,not by hooliganism but by other methods.And neither Sri Rama Sene people,nor pub goers like you DD have a right to talk about 'Indian culture'.
Heya anonymous.... was wondering where u hail from 1774 Aurangzeb Era or what ! wud be intresting to hear your 'definition' of 'culture' coz from what i know is that major sociologists like Merton as well as Parsons have refrained from defining the word since, they believe we live in a dynamic society...... but then if u come from a static rotten one, it cannot be helped. I can only hope that u dont go around spreading the plague of your thoughts to other fellas, coz I think most people would like to believe that this kinda moral policing has never yeilded any results, not with the Shiv Sena, Navnirman Sena, Taliban and my dear friend Not even the Imperial Rule.
P.S. incase u didnt know 'we are already independent', refer to the constitution in caseof any doubts.
Well I have to agree with anonymous's last comment!
yes sonali you're awake at this time!
mr. anony, you dont even know where sonali is from :)
or is it?
shut up and sign in from your own name
@An-animus: Why don't you TRY to police the men? Why must it be too late? Is it because you are scared that we WILL fight back, and not just with words? Or are you afraid to impose the same rules on men and women? Or is it because you don't want to curtail your own freedoms and stop enjoying a nice dry martini!
Anyway, I wonder what gives you or any self-appointed group the right to define "Indian culture". And as I see it, Indian culture defined by people like yourself is narrow-minded, corrupt, defeatist and all in all, devolved.
You say neither the extremists nor us "infidels" have a right to talk about indian culture, so I guess you are the authority on Indian culture and we must do as the coward from mangalore says.
As far as what I think is decent, it is allowing people to live their lives, no matter what your personal opinion may be on the matter. So you, sadly, are not decent, just as I am not decent on your self-created yardsticks of decency.
P.S. I would love to hear your non-violent, non-inflictive methods on how to keep women from the bars.
P.P.S: Will someone rape this loser already? I know it may not be something anyone wants to do, but someone has to bite the bullet for "the cause".
@Sonali: You agree that people should be TOLD what to do? Wow, now I know why they say Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai.
mr. anony we know who you're and where you stay bwhahahah! be scared be very scared!
So what DD said maybe a prophecy bwhahahahaha!
Great Blog.. You have no idea how many of us echo the sentiments..
Lets just say some folks are doing something. And you should join too.
Jaago, India, jaago eh?
"It could have been any of us in that pub that day, we could have been those girls!"
This sentence is reflective of why the incident affected you so much. Dont fool yourself into thinking that you care oh-so-goddamn much about human rights and cultural policing- you dont.
The women in those clubs, they are far more emancipated than the majority of women in India. In several pockets of rural India, cultural policing is far more obtuse and the narrow mindedness of society far more distinct in character, and I say this based on my own observations after visiting such places.
I'm sure you're aware of this cultural policing and rigid societal norms in parts of rural India. What I dont see, however, is a blog post on that.
What I do see is the same thing I saw in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Bombay, an "awakening" and a "will to fight". I'll tell you what, Bombay hurt because they targeted the upper middle class/middle class. You might even know somebody who was a victim, like you're able to relate to the Mangalore incident- the victims are of the same mold you originated from. But rural India couldn't care less, which is made apparent by the low voter turnouts and scant regard for security as an election issue amongst rural India.
I'm sure you mean well with this angst, however, I must question its direction. I believe in an emancipated society in India. What I do not believe is that the Mangalore incident is anything to get worked up about. It happens every other day, and it is you, my lady, who chooses not to see, not to read, not to care.
Its a whole to do with the media also, and you being in the print media would know this already. The Hypodermic Needle theory and the Media Dependency theory- people are not going to care about what does not make the 9 o' clock news or the front pages of the dailies. What does get reported is exaggerated to an alarnming extent, enchanting the viewer into believing everything being reported.
You are right about that- rural India couldn't care-less. This blog post was a knee-jerk reaction to what transpired that day- I am aware of the moral policing and sexual segregation that goes on in both rural and urban India.
The post has been tagged as a rant, you haven't noticed that earlier.
It was a rant- I don't write about the problems of rural India because they don't affect me, its as simple and vain as that...
I care about moral policing because it has affected me... I am admitting it, so there shoot me if am wrong.
Yes, such thing happen everyday- I have experienced it- Mangalore is a good mix of urban/ rural. I did mention in this post that it has been going on forever and this is nothing new. So what is your point exactly?
I am a part of the media you are referring to and I know very well how things go down here.
You are right about what you have written- however the rural/urban angle was not a concern while typing out this rant. I save such serious angles for more formal kinds of writing- this is my blog. This was a rant.
Next time, Mr Shot Gun be careful before you jump the gun.
P.S: That was a long reflection on an angsty -pangsty rant. Gosh, you never know when people take you seriously.
Thanks for taking out the time to comment. You should put such views on mediums where people can hear you rather than on random abandoned blogs
"It was a rant- I don't write about the problems of rural India because they don't affect me, its as simple and vain as that...
I care about moral policing because it has affected me... I am admitting it, so there shoot me if am wrong."
My dear lady, this IS my point. Since you admit this (with much candour, which is admirable) I have little to say. There is nothing that gets me more worked up than the sanctimony of an upper middle class youngster viz-a-vis this human rights atrocities/security issues/moral policing nonsense. As long as you are capable of admitting the utter lack of of altruism in your motives for ranting, I have no problem whatsoever.
What I do have a problem with is this sudden "awakening" of the youth. They live their happy levi's-coffee day-bling life for 18 years and suddenly (Wait for it!) they know everything about the state of the country and the corruption (every politician is corrupt! god forbid the role of "youth" in governance increases) just because they see some TV- something gets reported and they go gung-ho over it without understanding anything. "Look at what is hapening to the counry!" they admonish. "We will change India!" is another spirited slogan, the absurdity of which ranks between a giraffe being invited for tea at the Buckingham palace and Manmohan Singh breaking into an impromptu hip-hop jig in the middle of a press conference.
I'm sure you've across such noble persons and I hope you can see the focus of my angst.
P.S: Look, its not like I have this overwhelming desire to be heard. However, when I come across a forum where I feel a different perspective is the need of the hour, I express my opinion, irrespective of whether this forum is a "random abandoned blog" or otherwise.
I get it, I am too cynical to believe the save-the-world bullshit. I just have learnt to ignore the crowd that goes for their ridiculous "peace marches" and shit. I make poke fun at them- but it usually doesn't go down well with the diplomatic, pollitically correct crowd.
I know you are not an attention seeking guy who just voices his opinion just to be in the limelight, am sorry if I made it sound that way. What I intended was that a opinion like that needs to be heard more often in the mass media.
P.S: Wait for it? Barney Stinson, eh? that lightens up things a bit.
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