Looking back at the ignorant times when I thought.....
Foucault sounded like a pole vault!
Northrop Fry was a variety of exotic bacon!
Nietzsche was some atheist dude!
Marx was just a commie!
And pronounced Descartes as desecrates ( read as it is spelled)
or even des- cartes and not de- cart! ( that totally killed a joke)
n recently the indianisation of Ferdinand Saussure which was phardi - nand - lal sasuri! lol and this was before the literary theory paper!
bourgeois was pronounced as it was spelled!!!
Its all changed now!!!!!!!!
life will never be the same again!
p.s : Meera said that bloggers are bad people! (phew! took out the last name cause it was showin up on google)
Monday, September 3, 2007
B.L.T : before literary thoery!
from the factories of
Monday, September 03, 2007
tags funny, stupid, university
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you make my studies so bearable n enjoyable!
but i cant forgive u for having screwed up my joke!!!
lol i will never forget that..
m such a moron!
u need to fill me in on the screwed up joke!
sure 2moro in class or wenever we meet! sat for sure hv loads to talk bout!
Ayyyooo...i louu it :P
thanks for dropping by :)
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